Sunday, March 13, 2011

ULYANA - Assignment 1: Good Idea

I found this ad on one of the online shop homepages. The ad is attracted the eye because the first thing you see is a label with 50% off on a front which is an important thing on the ad. The attractive colors for the most important message tend to be red that is used on letters. After the text the viewer sees the actual product that on a sale and there is a strong color contrast between black and red that also draws you in. On the picture they are placed in order and perspective that gives a depth. There is a feeling of rythm (shoes), emphasis (the text). The only thing i would change is a text color. I feel it needs more deep(saturated) red color.


  1. i like the way they used the outer focus, it just draw your eye to the important thing "the sale"

  2. I like the idea that there is emphasis on the shoes and price tag. It displays a sense of unity and movement. I do not however, like the "fotolia" text that appears everywhere on the ad. I wasn't sure if it was intentional, but it's distracting. But other than that, it is a great ad!
