Sunday, March 13, 2011

M.Gama- Assignment 1: A Good Idea

I chose this ad be cause it has several graphic design principals. It's not just a picture of a car and some text, and I'm starting to see these principals more and more when I see ads everywhere. What jumps out at you first is the car, the way it's placed on the right side of the ad as compared to the rest of the ad shows me asymmetrical balance. Like the car has some weight to it, making it look like there is tension. Also the background is blurred making the foreground (the car) look like its going fast, even though it's a still picture.
At the bottom of the ad you can definitely see symmetrical balance. The four options are all equal in size and shape, giving it steady visual weight. At the top of the ad you can identify rhythm. The graphics and the text are all different colors and different sizes. This lets you know the designer wants catch your attention of each feature (i.e. 41 MPG City, The Most Fuel-Efficient etc). I found this ad while I was checking my email on Yahoo.

1 comment:

  1. i think that this ad would had been more strong if the ccar was in focus and with stronger tone of color. the ad has the right text but need a more stronger emotion blur
