Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Intissar Kabbaj-Good idea

I found this ad on Yahoo webpage, I chose this ad for many reasons:
First of all the height quality of the image, it is very crisp, clean, professional and more impotantly, it is in my opinion very attractive to the eye due to the small amount of the light that comes from the center.
Secondly, the combination of the bules and gold colors create an effective harmony that tend to be pleasing, and gives a cool and warm sensation.
Also the product is presented in very attractive and creative way that includes a background animation.
The text is clean, sharp, placed and sized in a good way that does not disturb or distact the viewer.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

ULYANA - Assignment 1: Good Idea

I found this ad on one of the online shop homepages. The ad is attracted the eye because the first thing you see is a label with 50% off on a front which is an important thing on the ad. The attractive colors for the most important message tend to be red that is used on letters. After the text the viewer sees the actual product that on a sale and there is a strong color contrast between black and red that also draws you in. On the picture they are placed in order and perspective that gives a depth. There is a feeling of rythm (shoes), emphasis (the text). The only thing i would change is a text color. I feel it needs more deep(saturated) red color.

M.Gama- Assignment 1: A Good Idea

I chose this ad be cause it has several graphic design principals. It's not just a picture of a car and some text, and I'm starting to see these principals more and more when I see ads everywhere. What jumps out at you first is the car, the way it's placed on the right side of the ad as compared to the rest of the ad shows me asymmetrical balance. Like the car has some weight to it, making it look like there is tension. Also the background is blurred making the foreground (the car) look like its going fast, even though it's a still picture.
At the bottom of the ad you can definitely see symmetrical balance. The four options are all equal in size and shape, giving it steady visual weight. At the top of the ad you can identify rhythm. The graphics and the text are all different colors and different sizes. This lets you know the designer wants catch your attention of each feature (i.e. 41 MPG City, The Most Fuel-Efficient etc). I found this ad while I was checking my email on Yahoo.

C.Hall - Assignmet 1: Good Idea

This online advertisement was found through a motor-vehicle forum. I chose this Jeep Ad because it depicts a directional illusion. Also, I chose this Ad because I wanted minimal text and graphics. I aimed for something that gives the viewers the opportunity to create their own fantasy. I chose it despite it not having text because I was intrigued by the Doblin’s quiz you handed out to our class. As you could see, this Ad is nothing but an edited photograph, but the majority of individuals could recognize this vehicle as a Jeep.

The bricks in the background illustrates variety and asymmetrical balance. All of the bricks required to build the wall are not symmetrical in either shape nor size. The shadow casting the SUV shows a line. The foreground displays a variety of structured geometric shapes: squares, circles, and rectangles. The cracked concrete road which this Jeep is riding on shows repetition and rhythm. As I evaluated the pavement, the size is not proportionate so it compliments the form of the wall. The shadow of the Jeep displays contrast between the lights and the darks that are varied throughout the Ad. Size was used to emphasize the Jeep by putting it in the spotlight. The overall effect this Ad gives is balance by direction. The Jeep (both vehicle and shadow) is positioned at an angle that it is still accelerating north. Hence, it is making the viewer question where it is heading.

One of my main attractions to this piece was the ability to see more with showing less. It is a simple concept that exemplifies a subtle mood. All of the components used in this Ad were very consistent. I believe that this Ad achieved a sense of unity. I only say that because all of the elements used to create this Ad: the road, the location, and the vehicle all go hand in hand with one other.

Q.Cooper-Assignment 1: A Good Idea

   I chose this ad because it has an example of radial balance with the lines of the brick design and also the TXU logo. It has the mailbox running off the page like we have been doing in class. This ad had unity by the way the mailbox and money are all on one side and then the smaller TXU logo on the lower right side. This also gives the logo some isolation from everything else.
   By adding the text on the left side on the image, I believe it is a balanced composition. Plenty of repetition is shown with the bricks of the mailbox. I believe that by the size of the mailbox and "Save Money" the creator is trying to bring attention that TXU energy can save you money and put it back in your mailbox.
   I found this ad while checking my email on hotmail.com. I immediately saw the line and shapes of the mailbox. Without looking at the text, one can plainly see the huge shape made of other little shapes on the left and also the small circle on the right. This is a simple and not so exciting ad but you do get the point of it.

Colors and Recognizable Shapes in Advertising

This is an interesting concept that immediately caught my eye while browsing. The strong combination of yellow, red, & whi
te shapes proves rather difficult to ignore yet is very appealing. Many bright designs can be tasteless and a rude in presentation--this one seeks otherwise. I especially like the balance of the different hair shapes on the two sides of the center writing.

What exactly this advertisement is advertising is not immediately apparent at first sighting; the shapes and the activity of your brain filling in those blanks is the first thing processed. This is appropriate! Deciphering the characters is a fun activity and is the entire appeal of the designs advertised.

Only after having fun with the faces do you realize that there is actually something being promoted and sold: t-shirts with these very likenesses on them. Regardless of whether or not you are particularly interested in obtaining such a shirt--you will likely click on the link if only to see what other famous figures of history and culture you can recognize from their hair-silhouette. If the advertisement gets you to visit the page, it is a success, and hey, this one worked on me.

"AlfredL.Norton-Assignment 1:A Good Idea".

This advertisement is interesting to me because, it utilizes the element of repetition by using the same shapes again and again. It also sugggests a sense of unification within the piece which makes the advertisement visually appealing.It also brings a sense of elegance to the the composition as a whole.

The abstract images capture the viewers attention by using shapes that brings a perception of harmony to the viewers mind, as well as their eyes.Everything within the ad works well together and it well organized. The color is tasteful and monocramatic.The color purple also brings a impression of joy and puts me at ease.

The elements within the piece are stimulating.Makes me want go out by it now.The pattern is well thought out and it gets right to point.It also looks very professional . When I see advertisement is also implies purity ,which makes the drink looks satisfying.

Amber Ebrahim. Assignment 1. Good Idea

Amber Ebrahim
ARTC 1305 2nd Start
Sat 9:30-3

I found this ad on the yahoo homepage. I picked this ad because it was one of the few i found that had some graphics to it, and not just text. This ad has a animated look with the houses in background and the women.

The houses show a lot of linear quality, it very square and straight like most house are. Another thing about the house is it just has 2 color of the same just one is faded, which give a contrast of the two colors. This ads also has some repetition to it with the houses repeating.This ad is very much balance, not one side seem less than the other side.

What i like about this ad is it looks creative, they didn't just put a picture of a women and houses, they made it animated and made it more of a graphic look. Also the red text and red box really draws your eyes to it which i think is good advertisement and also the women being pretty. I think this ad has unity to it, it fits all together.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

ALittle - Assignmet 1: Good Idea

I chose this add because it has a very nice linear quality. You can see line throughout. All the lines lead to the center. The racing stripe is repeated multiple times and the use of repetition ties the whole ad together.

good idea

i used this ad because the image are place on the page in balance way and it also have that cool color tone going on.i have the image in top gear web site. the only thing wrong with the ad is the aqua color tip. i so like the way the text balances out